
Monday, 11 July 2016

Confessions Of A Planner-O-Holic Part Two - Q & A

On the second installment of 'Confessions Of A Planner-O-Holic' all of us girls are doing a Q & A session. We all have the same questions which were asked by you, the planner public. And we're all going to answer them. I hope you all have fun while reading this, and drop me a comment below if you have any other questions. So let's get to the questions!

1) What is your favourite planner?

This is a hard one, I love all of my planners. I have noticed that I am more at home in the Personal size, whether it is a Paperchase, Filofax, Websters etc. However, I switch between my planners quiet often depending on my mood, the season and just if I want a change really. (I know your guilty of this too)

But If I was to choose only one planner, then I would have to say my Personal Sized Sandringham planner. Sorry to all my other planner babies! This is the one that I always find myself coming back too and missing certain aspects of it; mainly the ring size. I love this planner it is petty much identical to the Filofax Malden, but at a fraction of the price. I have only just moved out of this only a few weeks ago, but I am already starting to feel that planner itch to move back into her.

2) Does your planner have a name, and if so what?

I have not named any of my planners. I only refer to them as 'her / she.' (Which my husband finds very weird) I know a lot of girls in the planner community do name their planners though. Now I am intrigued by what my readers names for their planners are! Why not leave it below and I shall have a nosey.

3) Favourite accessories?
This is a hard one for me. I have lots of planner accessories so it is hard to narrow it down. So I guess the obvious thing is the ones I find I gravitate to most and use all the time. Who knew planner questions would be so hard?

So firstly I guess it would be my Oli Clips as they are always in my planner. If you haven't heard of these, where have you been? They are super strong magnetic clips that can be used for all sorts. I am always using mine to clip my upcoming weekly pages together, so they aren't flapping around everywhere. I also use them to slip in receipts until I get them organised too. But my favourite use for these is to clip some of my 'little things' stickers that I add into my planner on a daily basis. It saves me flipping through my piles of stickers everyday, so I am therefore more likely to keep to using them daily.

Another would be my project life or journaling cards. I have piles of these that I have collected and swapped over my year or so planning. I find them great to tip in to my planner for routines, trackers or just to keep notes on. They also add a pop of colour into my planner. I have recently used them as a bookmark or page marker for pages or trackers that I go to on a regular basis. I have been getting quiet imaginative at finding uses as I am wanting to use my stash up rather than just hoarding them up.

4) What's your top planning tip?
Definitely do what feels natural to you. I know the human race naturally compares themselves to each other, and feel jealous of other planners. But trust me after planning for over a year to finally find peace with my own planner and being able to use it easily; I just had to give in and accept that everyone is different.

Now that isn't to say that I don't still drool over other peoples planners and handwriting but I got fed up of feeling down with my own planner and handwriting. Which then meant I ended up not using my planner or just putting stickers everywhere which trust me got really expensive real fast!

So what I would say is look for inspiration and other peoples ideas; and use them to incorporate into your own planner. But be happy and accept your own style. And trust me there will be other people who drool over your planner in all likeliness.

5) Why Planners?
The main reason that I took up using a planner was to try motivate myself and to track my mental health. I suffer from severe anxiety, depression and PTSD so it is hard for me to function on an everyday basis. So I now use my planner to try to motivate me to try to do one activity per day; even if it is just to read, go into the garden with my son, meditate etc.

I also use them to track my therapy and GP appointments. It is really handy to have their information on hand, as well as information on all of my medication. I struggle with my memory since my mental health has gotten worse; so I also include an AM and PM medication reminder on a daily basis too. Just having these sticker reminders does help. I do reference my planner a few times per day so it reminds me to keep on top of my medications too.

Another way in which I started using a planner more was the new creative ways they are being decorated. I stumbled up on a 'plan with me' video on Youtube just over a year ago and I thought it would be a simple way I could get back into my creative side in a very easy way. I have little motivation to paint, scrapbook or smashbook since my mental health has deteriorated. But I look at creative ways to decorate my planner as a kind of therapy I can do at home to just get out of my own head, even if it is just for 10 minutes,

6) If you were stuck on a desert island what would your top 5 items be that you would want to have?

This one is a hard one and it took a lot of time for me to decide. So the top 5 planner items I would want to have on a desert island with me are;

1.My Oli Clips - to keep all of the loose items clipped together so I don't loose them

2. Journaling cards - to add a pop of colour and to track whats happening

3. Blank paper - again to write down my thoughts and to doodle on to keep me busy

4. My fine liner pens - to write and doodle with. I use these a lot to draw and doodle with so it kills two birds with one stone.

5. My photo inserts - so I could have photos of my family and to remind me to stay strong.

7) If there was a zombie apocalypse and you only have time to get to one shop but the pathway was clear to a Stationery store or a supermarket which would you chose?
Unfortunately it would be the supermarket! Only to feed my family and keep us going. We need food and water rather than washi tape and paperclips. Hold on a minute did I just say that? OK well maybe a supermarket that also had a decent stationery section for me to pillage too, haha.

8) You win 1 million on the Lotto. You can only buy 3 things, what do you buy? And why?

Again another really hard one, but if I did win the Lotto I do know that the first thing I would do is to take Harry to visit these dudes! I have already been to Disney once and it is my favourite place in the whole world! I know Harry really wants to go, and I would love to see his cute little face at all the amazing rides, food and characters there. Disney is such an amazing place and I have so many happy memories from my holiday there, as well as memories linked to Disney movies and characters from my childhood too. So it would be amazing to share that with my other favourite people too.

The second thing would be to develop my own stationery line. I would love to do this so much. I would love the designing and being able to create products that I know us planner girls would find not only useful but also extremely practical too! Things like planner inserts, stickers, sticky notes, pens; my gosh I could go on forever with ideas but I would get so much joy from having my own line and seeing other people get use from it too.

The final thing I would do would be to buy a house for myself, Harry and my Husband. We currently live with my in-laws as we cannot afford to live on our own. I would love to have our own place with a big garden for Harry and just somewhere that is our own. Hopefully we will be able to be financially more stable soon but it would make me so happy to have somewhere to call our own!

So guys that wraps up this weeks installment of Confessions Of A Planner-O-Holic come back next week to see what we have all been upto. Also don't forget to check out the other girls posts (links down below) and remember if you have any questions just pop them into the comments box.

Until then keep planning,

List of My Fellow Confessions blogs/Youtubers

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